Our History

In 1974, the Baltimore Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church decided that Columbia had grown large enough to need another United Methodist congregation and that it would be established on the east side of Rt. 29 in the newest village of Owen Brown. Because of the active women’s movement sweeping the country, Rev. Mary Kraus was called to lead the new congregation. She arrived in the summer of 1974 and became the first female clergy in the community. With the support of the Columbia Cooperative Ministry (CCM: a consortium of 12 diverse congregations which supported the faith community), Rev. Kraus organized a September coffee with local residents where approximately 40 people agreed to attend a first worship service.

Christ Episcopal Church located on Oakland Mills Rd. was a participant in the Columbia Cooperative Ministry (CCM.) They offered to share their space and programming, so in November 1974 services were held at “Old Brick,” and soon after Sunday School was launched as a joint venture with the Episcopalians. The new congregation chose their name in recognition of the support and relationship with Christ Episcopal Church. The ecumenical and socially conscious 70’s influenced Christ UMC worship, outreach and purpose. Strong lay involvement in worship was initiated and continues today. The early services reflected contemporary issues and included monthly guest speakers, folk hymns, liturgical dance and a “clown ministry”…fairly non-traditional as compared to later years.

Old Brick
"Old Brick" Building
CUMC Members having a conversation
Founding Member at OBIC

The official Chartering Service was held October 12, 1974 with a joyful celebration involving clergy of many denominations and the reception of 22 charter members. Today one of those original members remains active.

After several years at “Old Brick,” both congregations needed more space, so Christ UMC moved to the community room in the senior apartment building Owen Brown Place, worshiping there for almost 4 years. During that time, the city of Columbia was growing, so an invitation from the Columbia Religious Facilities Corporation (CRFC) went out to all congregations that were seeking new space to join in building Columbia’s third Interfaith Center in the village of Owen Brown.

Christ UMC and the Unitarian Universalist Society of Columbia answered the call, and after endless meetings, ground was broken in May 1983 and both congregations moved into the Owen Brown Interfaith Center (OBIC) in November 1984.

The children and youth have always been a primary focus at Christ UMC and they have been served consistently through a Sunday School program, various youth groups, choirs and the LOGOS ministry which provided a mid-week learning/fellowship experience for school age children. Family retreats were quite popular in the 80’s and 90’s.

In its 49 years Christ UMC has had 12 clergy, approximately 16 musicians, and more than 500 members contributing their unique gifts. Christ UMC still remains a smaller congregation with an average of 75 members and remains an active partner and co-owner of the Owen Brown Interfaith Center.

We have been Reconciling Ministries Member Congregation for 26 years. As an LGBTQ+ Inclusive & Anti-Racist Congregation, we are committed to welcome, love and care for all. We are a Lighthouse Congregation intentionally welcoming United Methodists whose home churches have disaffiliated with United Methodist Church.

Sunday School Crafts
CUMC Sunday School
Christ UMC Logo

In November 2023, we begin our 50th year as Christ United Methodist Church with the launch of our new logo and tagline to reinforce our commitment to love, justice and a community for all people as we celebrate our 50th year and look forward to growing in the next 50 years and beyond. 

Updated November 2023